Pure Eats, Gluten and Dairy Freedom

For this edition, Ellen Masters Postel, a friend, has been invited to collaborate and write this story. If you or a loved one are living in Doha with a dairy or gluten allergy, intolerance or disease – Pure Eats Co. will be a game changer!!

The struggle of eating food containing gluten or dairy products due to an autoimmune disorder hit close to home as the Pure Eats Co. owner saw both of her daughters suffering while living in the Middle East. As a result, Jill made it her mission to first manage the foods and eventually introduce Doha’s first 100% gluten and dairy free restaurant. She has done so by creating food that is a “cultural explosion of Cajun, Southern with a twist of European that meets the Mediterranean with a bang!” – with a dedicated kitchen, meaning there is no chance of cross contamination.